The “Fondazione don Oreste Benzi” (Father Oreste Benzi Foundation) was established in Rimini on 11 October 2017, liturgical memory of Saint John XXIII.
The Foundation aims at promoting, deepening and supporting the study of the thought, life’s testimony and works promoted and realised by Father Oreste Benzi, priest of the Diocese of Rimini, and of the works that he inspired or that are attributable to him. This also adds insights into the experience and charism of the “Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII” (Community of Pope John XXIII), that he inspired and founded.

Moreover, the Foundation promotes research, studies and opportunities for analysis and discussion on the needs of suffering, marginalised and disadvantaged people according to the way Father Oreste experienced, viewed and met them.

In order to pursue its aims, the Foundation, among other things, may:

  1. collect, preserve and disseminate the documents concerning the works and teachings of Father Oreste Benzi, and identify a place where all the material, that is directly or indirectly linked to him, can be collected and stored;
  2. promote studies and research on the person, message and works – either promoted, realised or linked to – Father Oreste Benzi, through collaboration with universities and other research and/or study centres and through scholarships and awards;
  3. become a national and international point of reference in the study of the anthropological view of the human being that inspired and guided Father Oreste and his activities;
  4. disseminate the results of the studies and research through training courses, conferences and meetings addressed to all those who are involved in work or activities that relate to Father Oreste, in order to carry out ongoing formation and actualise Father Oreste’s thought and charism;
  5. carry out, to purse its aims and not as its primary activity, what can be considered commercial activities, with particular reference to the publishing sector (daily newspapers excluded), audio-visual production and similar.

The Foundation has non-profit aims. It can carry out its activities at an international level.
It can also carry out other activities to pursue its institutional aims.



The Administration Board shall have all-encompassing power for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Foundation.

At present, there are seven members of the Administration Board. They are:

Matteo Fadda


Raul Angeloni

Vice President

Valter Martini


Gian Franco Coliva


Giorgio Malaspina


Andrea Montuschi


Marinella Mussolini


Monica Zanni


The President of the Association “Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII” is, de jure, pro tempore President and legal representative of the Foundation and remains in office for so long as he holds that task.

Councillors are appointed in equal numbers by the Association “Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII”, with registered office in Rimini, and by the “Consorzio Condividere Papa Giovanni XXIII Società Cooperativa a.r.l.” (Pope John XXIII Sharing Consortium, Cooperative Society Ltd.), with registered office in Rimini. They remain in office for three years and can be confirmed or discharged with the same procedures used for their appointment.


Ilaria Baccani

Full member


The Scientific Committee promotes, coordinates and verifies consistency of the Foundation activities with its aims and objectives. It discusses the scientific projects and cultural initiatives to be submitted for approval to the Administration Board, and collaborates in the realisation of the projects approved.

The Scientific Committee shall be composed of at least three members, to be appointed by the Administrative Board upon proposal of the President. They remain in office for so long as the Administrative Board that appointed them holds that task. They can be re-elected by the successive Administrative Board.

At present, the members of the Scientific Committee are:


Elisabetta GARRUTI

Maria Mercedes ROSSI