Theme of the year: Youth

The 2019 “On the side of the least. Father Oreste Benzi International Award” will be conferred to a an individual, Association or Body who displayed exemplary dedication to young people, consistent with the thought, values and commitment embodied by Father Oreste Benzi. The following characteristics will be particularly valued:

– A life spent among young people, who are often a “no man’s land” and easy prey to unscrupulous merchants, listening to their deeper needs and helping them meet the Absolute, the need for God.

– Believing firmly in the good that is inside every young person, educating them to make commitments and take on responsibilities, and to go beyond one’s personal interest by tying their future to that of others, especially to those who are deemed worthless by society.

– Aspiring to a different society, to new heavens and a new earth, reporting falsity and injustice without fear, acting prophetically and, if necessary, breaking with established patterns, and setting a real example of how true revolution always starts in oneself and how you pay the price for it personally.